Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind Online Course – COLETTE – BARON REID

A Step-By-Step Process for Changing Old Unwanted Patterns and Behaviors

Colette Baron-Reid is an Intuitive Expert, Life Strategist, Best-Selling Author and creator of The IN-Vizion Process®


Colette Baron-Reid - Author

Colette Baron-Reid – Author





This easy, fun, deep and transformative online course is not about working on yourself! It’s about reprogramming your mind.  –Colette Baron-Reid

Do you keep attracting the same people and situations into your life even though you know you want something different?  Do you find yourself asking, “Why does this always happen to me?”

Every pattern that doesn’t serve you exists in one place – your subconscious mind.  Your mind determines your experience of reality.  Limiting beliefs and reactive energy patterns stored in your subconscious need to be re-programmed to achieve your true potential.

Imagine your life as you wish it could be right now.

No matter your past or your current story, what you’re imagining right now is what your spirit most wants you to experience. Own it and revisit this course as often as you like!


In this four-part interactive, fun and mind-bending intensive, you’ll be guided to experience the most powerful aspects of Colette Baron-Reid’s INVISION Process. ® This empowering process retrains the subconscious programming that leaves you stuck, stressed and frustrated by repeating behaviors that don’t work for you.

Here’s what you can expect to gain during this four-part interactive video course:

  • Learn how to move out of uncomfortable emotional blocks in less than 3 minutes
  • Transition from stress, anxiety, overwhelm and frustration to calm neutrality – the only place from where good decisions come
  • Achieve an internal place of certainty and safety in spite of outer conditions
  • Shift from “I feel” to “I see” for more clarity
  • Move from trapped reactive ego state to the expansive creative immortal soul

All of the above enable you to consciously manifest your reality from a place of power instead of reacting from a place of powerlessness and offers a bridge between impossible and infinite possibilities.

Are You Ready to Replace the Old and Welcome the New Empowered You?

In four lessons, you’ll learn new intuitive skills that will help you to literally bring about your own personal transformation.  You will experience yourself in a miraculous new way and actively immerseyourself in the process of real change, effectively becoming more of who you really are and influencing the world around you as magic – All powered by re-programming your subconscious mind!

This course is designed to facilitate real, measurable changes in your life – but you must immerse yourself in the exercises and experience each lesson firsthand for this process to work.  It’s essential for you to fully engage with the material and FEEL your way through creating new neural pathways.

Are you ready to go into the deep recesses of your mind to expose the emotions and feelings behind your limiting reactive programming so you can finally be free to live in the now and bring about what you truly desire?

Feeling better is not dependent on solving a problem or ignoring the problem; feeling better is dependent on learning how to manage your own perspective about the problem.

I know this process will work for you because it’s worked for me!  And trust me, I have the same old patterns and I fall back on old habits too from time to time.  The difference is I now know how to get back on track and I’ve reaped tremendous success and joy by following this process!  Let me show you how to use my proven process!

Here’s a breakdown of Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind 4 Lesson Course:

Lesson 1

LESSON 1: PRACTICE NEUTRAL OBSERVATION: I detach, observe, and recognize that I am not my story.   Eye

The objective of this lesson is to connect with and experience the feeling state of your Inner Observer which will develop the skill of neutral detachment.We combine the experience of connecting with your inner observer and experiencing neutral detachment with an invitation to travel and explore a type of consciousness that includes the Soul and that initiates a dialogue with your active imagination, creativity and intuition.

This lesson includes:

  • IN-Vizion® for You Video
    True transformation really can be easy, if you understand the fundamental laws that determine the material world and govern change. Not only will Colette show you how they work, but she will also teach you the tools you need to harness this ubiquitous energy.
  • Evolving Consciousness Video
    Whatever your internal or external state might be, the power to move and change and grow is available to you right here, right now.
  • INVISON® Process Example:
    Neutral Observation VideoColette demonstrates the process of moving from a place of discomfort to relief. She will choose a specific feeling i.e. overwhelm or financial distress and then she coaches someone in the process only to the point of relief – stopping on the bird in the blue sky. You will learn how to use this skill in this lesson.
  • HOMEPLAY Practice Video 1 (includes PDF Worksheet)
    Skill building: Determining Where I Am?
  • HOMEPLAY IN-Vizion® Process Audios
    Audio 1: Get on Your Bird
    Audio 2: Wizard of Awareness
    Audio 3: Experiencer vs. Observer

Woman in the Mirror

Lesson 2LESSON 2: PRACTICE EMPOWERED CHOICE:  I have the ability to choose and change my experience. 

To add Empowered Choice to your experience of Neutral Observation and to experience an inner sense of Safety through the creation of an internal Sanctuary. Now that you have detached from your story and feeling state, you can now recognize your ability to create a new experience and carry within you an internal sense and place of safety.

This lesson includes:

  • Empowered Choice Video
    Cultivating an inner landscape of safety can be one of the most empowering things you can do on your quest to find a more abundant experience of life.
  • IN-Vizion® Process Example: Empowered Choice
    Colette provides an experiential video where she coaches a volunteer from a distressed place. The distressed place will be different from the one chosen in lesson one to enhance learning.
  • HOMEPLAY Practice Video 1
    Skill Building: Practicing Empowered Choice (includes PDF Worksheet)
  • HOMEPLAY Practice Video 2
    Skill Building: Working with Stuck Emotions (includes PDF Worksheet)
  • HOMEPLAY IN-Vizion® Process Audios
    Audio 1: Sanctuary
    Audio 2: Dual Landscape, Fear & Safety
    Audio 3: Journal and Reflection Questions (includes PDF Worksheet)


Lesson 3

girl with butterflies

The objective of this lesson is to add Radical Self-Acceptance to your previously learned skills of Neutral Observation and Empowered Choice, and to learn to connect more easily with your Higher Self or Soul. You will also learn to move away from and stop listening to the internal voices that tend toward harsh criticism. When we are able to do this, we increase our awareness of the true source of the criticism, learn to have a compassionate dialogue with that voice, whatever form it may take, and choose to accept it with love, compassion and understanding.

This lesson includes:

  • Radical Acceptance Video
    You’ll learn how to love the parts of you that you actually want to be rid of – the parts that you are most embarrassed by, that you don’t want anyone to know about, and that hold you back.
  • IN-Vizion® Process Example: The 3 Chair Video
    Colette walks a client through The 3 Chair Process as a demonstration on how to use this to get in tune with your inner critic.
  • Integrating Empowered Choice and Self-Acceptance Video
    In this video, you’ll look at why these two very different voices are present – the inner critic and the Soul – and discuss the importance of actively inviting the Voice of your Soul forward.
  • HOMEPLAY Practice Video 1 (includes PDF Worksheet)
    Skill building: Calming the Inner Critic
  • HOMEPLAY Practice Video 2 (includes PDF Worksheet)
    Skill building: Connecting with Your Soul
  • IN-Vizion® HOMEPLAY Process Audios:
    Audio 1: The 3 Chair Process
    Audio 2: Journal and Reflection Questions (includes PDF Worksheet)

Key Hole

Lesson 4LESSON 4: PRACTICE IMMERSION INTO EXPANSIVE STATES: I consciously choose without attachment to the outcome.


The objective of this lesson is to learn how to harness the power of desire by allowing it to move you into the essence of any emotion and/or experience that feels good, and to learn how to not get stuck in longing by also developing the art of letting go. We will do this by connecting regularly with the Soul and the Unconscious and by creating a personal practice of intentionally moving energetically in and out of expansive states of being.

This lesson includes:

  • Developing a Life-Long Practice Video
    You have explored Neutral Detachment, Empowered Choice, and Judgment Free Self-Compassion. In this lesson, you will learn the final piece, Immersion in Expansive States, and by bringing these four elements together, you will form a personally meaningful daily practice of Choosing without Attachment to the Outcome.
  • IN-Vizion® Process Building a Bridge Video:
    Colette provides an example of this process demonstrating leaving a place of discomfort and visiting a place of desired results.
  • HOMEPLAY Practice Video 1 (includes PDF Worksheet)
    Skill building: Immersion into  States of Awareness
  • HOMEPLAY Practice Video 2
    Final Pearls of Wisdom: What to focus on moving forward.
  • HOMEPLAY Process Audios:
    Audio 1: Forgiveness INVISION Process®
    Audio 2: Coming to Life INVISION Process®
    Audio 3: Journal and Reflection Questions (includes PDF Worksheet) Transcripts are included for all four lessons.


Don’t miss your chance to work with Colette and break free from self-defeating behaviors and patterns!

Course Preview

Once you shift and start to reprogram your patterns, thoughts and behaviors that are creating what’s appearing in your life, you can create new, empowering patterns that provide choice, freedom and a chance to live in alignment with your higher purpose where true joy, success and happiness come together.

What else does Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind do for YOU?

  • It opens a rich and meaningful dialogue with your Higher Self, your personal source of inner wisdom;
  • It delivers clarity from a place of expansion, freeing you from the limited view of a contracted state of mind;
  • It enables you to rescue yourself from past regret and future worry, and in doing so, returns your awareness into the present moment where the power to influence your reality is strongest;
  • It circumvents linear, logical thinking and connects you to a new level of creativity and insight that had previously been left untapped, awakening your intuition;
  • It connects you to The Greater Consciousness, through which you discover your true and inherent value;
  • It helps you find the exciting realm of limitless possibilities and create the life of your dreams;
  • And perhaps most importantly – IN-Vizion® is FUN and ENGAGING! In fact, it is totally cool, and I promise you are going to love it!

Most conventional methods of assisting change attempt to shift limiting internal states through linear, logical thinking, or through external visualization and projection, but this can only take us so far. IN-Vizion® is more powerful because it reaches deeper into the layers of the mind that hold the true drivers of our experience – the layers that lie just below the surface of our conscious awareness. It provides us with a way to disengage from the automatic reactions that reside there and restores our ability to make a new choice in the moment, where we have the power to begin building new patterns. All in just a few moments!

I will be here with you every step of the way and able to enter into this sacred relationship with you starting now.

Nothing happens by accident, and THIS is the perfect time for you to finally break free from unconscious self-sabotaging patterns.


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