Do you know you have a book inside of you but don’t know how to get started?
Are you worried it’s too late to write your story?
Do you have a great story idea but feel you lack the writing skills to see it through?
Here’s the truth: If you have a true calling to write a story or a book, that unfulfilled feeling inside will never go away until you start honoring the writer and messenger inside of you. You’ll also never experience that great sense of relief and purpose that comes when you follow your life purpose of writing your important book.
Your book, your message or your personal story can help people truly change their lives. There’s no better feeling in the world than knowing you helped someone else by sharing your experience with others. Even if you aren’t the best writer, there are many options for getting your book written. Even if you’re not quite sure how to publish or market your story, there is a way to learn all you need to know.

Over the past 6 years, Hay House has been conducting Writer’s Workshops to help passionate writers like you get the message in print and out in the world. With prolific self-development and spiritual authors like Dr. Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra M.D., Doreen Virtue, Marianne Williamson, Gregg Braden, Kris Carr, Louise Hay and many more, these exceptional and successful writers and teachers have all attended the Writer’s Workshop all across the globe to share what they’ve learned about writing, publishing and how they got started to help writers like you reach their publishing dreams.
Our main goal is to help you succeed in becoming a successful published author
These intensive 2-day workshops are led by Reid Tracy, CEO and President of Hay House. Reid has secured over 60 New York Times best-sellers for Hay House in the last 27 years. Hay House is now the largest self-empowerment publishing company in the world. Reid knows exactly what it takes to get noticed by a publisher and what publishers are looking for in new authors.
For a Limited Time Only!For the FIRST time, Hay House is offering the Writer’s Workshop online in the new Writer’s Workshop Online Course.
- Two Pre-Recorded Q & A Calls
- Facebook page
Own it and revisit this course as often as you like!
It’s time to write your empowering story and share it with the world! The Writer’s Workshop has everything you need to go from aspiring writer to successful published author!
In this powerful 6-week Intensive Online Course, you’ll learn:
- Everything you need to know about traditional vs. self-publishing
- How to get your book written even if you are not a great writer
- How to find an editor and what you should look for when choosing
- What type of book you should write and publish and tips to help you succeed
- How to find the right agent and get published
- Writing advice from prolific writers like Dr. Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, M.D., Marianne Williamson, Doreen Virtue and many more
- Book proposal templates that get a publisher’s attention
- PLUS! Two Live Calls with Hay House President and CEO, Reid Tracy. Get guidance in taking the right steps for your publishing success
- BONUS – every Writer’s Workshop we do in person in the future will be available to you online so you can continue learning and expanding your writing and publishing career.
When you take part in this comprehensive online course, all the guesswork is removed so you can focus on finishing and publishing your important work!
Imagine what it would be like for you to learn the writing secrets from some of the world’s most influential and spiritual authors! The Writer’s Workshop Online Course offers this very rare opportunity. What makes this online course so unique are rare? For starters, you not only learn from one exceptional author as you would in an in-person workshop, you’ll learn from 16 well-known and established authors! PLUS, each time Hay House has an in-person Writer’s Workshop, you’ll have access to this new information and new authors for years to come! In other words, this Writer’s Workshop Online Course offers endless wisdom, writing tips and the newest in publishing every year – and all for one very low price.
The investment you make in this course is nothing compared to the cost of mistakes many new authors make in this complex industry! Let’s dive deeper into what you’ll gain during this 6-week intensive!

Overview of The Writer’s Workshop Online Course:
Week 1: From Zero To Greatness: How Some of The World’s Most Successful Authors Cracked The Code On Sharing Their Message With The World
You’ll hear personal stories from Wayne Dyer, Doreen Virtue, Deepak Chopra, M.D., Gregg Braden, and Marianne Williamson, just to name a few.
Week 2: Jumpstarting Your Journey: Effortless Ways To Start Your Writing Today
In week 2, you’ll learn all you need about the ins and outs of publishing today, the difference between self and traditional publishing and how to choose the right path for your unique story. You’ll also learn how to get started with your writing. From getting clear in mind to writing, even if you don’t feel like a writer, and a Q & A session to help you get answers to common publishing and writing questions.
Week 3: The Road Less Traveled: Find The Perfect Way For You To Publish Your Book
This week goes more deeply into the differences between self and traditional publishing. Reid Tracy shares publishing secrets and important information to help you decide which type of publishing is right for you and how to use each type to your advantage. You’ll also learn specific strategies to get in the door and in front of a publishing house. Topics covered include whether to use an agent or not, how to find the right agent for you, and how to write a book proposal that gets noticed. There is also a Q & A session to answer common questions about choosing a publishing route, finding an agent and writing a great book proposal.
Week 4: Your Inner Muse: Writing Tips, Exercises and Concrete Ways To Share Your Message With The World
This power-packed week is all about writing. Beginning with taking the first steps and the writing process, finding an editor and what the editor can do for you, and writing tips and exercises to help you fine-tune your craft for a more compelling story.
Week 5: Creating Raving Fans and Followers: Marketing Your Book From A to Z
You’ll learn how to build your audience and platform to reach more people with your message and how to use communication channels like websites, blogs, social media and emails. You’ll also have access to some phenomenal resources including how to build on and create other products, sample proposals and other important guides to help you thrive as an author.
Week 6: The Insider’s Secrets: Your Favorite Authors Share Their Secrets
This is where you can access the personal stories, advice and writing secrets of some the world’s best self-help and spiritual authors. You’ll have the option to choose which author resonates with you and learn more about how they got started, some problems they encountered along the way and how to avoid costly mistakes. Authors include:
- Louise Hay
- Doreen Virtue
- Wayne Dyer
- Reid Tracy
- Deepak Chopra
- Marianne Williams
- Gregg Braden
- Kris Carr
- Bronnie Ware
- Leon Nacson
- Pam Grout
- Martina Sheehan & Susan Pearse
- Megan Dalla Camino
- Nancy Levin
- Jessica Ainscough
- Kelly Notaras
- Mike Dooley
Each week features writing and publishing tips from several top-selling authors. And remember, you’ll automatically receive continuous upgrades from each of the Hay House live, in-person Writer’s Workshop events!
Hay House only procures 10 books per year and we want you to have a chance to have your book be one of them!
It’s time to write your empowering story and share it with the world! The Writer’s Workshop has everything you need to go from aspiring writer to successful published author!
If you have a great book idea and a strong desire to be published, this is your chance to make your dreams come true!
Imagine your name and book cover in the Hay House catalog, or next to Dr. Wayne Dyer at an I Can Do It!® event or hosting your Hay House Radio show! This is more than possible if you are passionate about sharing your story and committed to the process.
Money Back Guarantee: If you are not completely satisfied at any time for any reason, Hay House will issue a full refund – no questions asked. Call 1-800-654-5126