by Maureen E. Smith, Intuitive Visionary Coach, Business Coach


Maintaining your energy on a daily basis is important for starting your day off right!  Your energy, mood and vibrations are magnetic and how you feel  is what you will attract into your life!  Keep your energy  level up and your mood optimistic and always thinking positive!   If you don’t feel well, get yourself better!

Do what you need to do to feel great!  I love my morning protein shakes with fruit and coconut water and also greens drink for making sure I get all of my vitamins every morning!  Exercise for just 5 minutes in your bedroom or home office!  Getting enough sleep is really important!  Don’t make excuses!


The Art of Centering and Solitude

Start your morning off right with time for yourself and no distractions including no email, phone calls or texting!  They can wait.  Write out a script of want you want to accomplish for the day, go over your daily affirmations and priorities!  Write in a journal. The act of writing out what you want to attract in your life and how you want your day to unfold can really make things happen!  

Be aware of how you are feeling and your emotions.  If you are not feeling well then change your mood!   Do Positive Affirmations and something to make you feel good or EFT – Emotional Freedom Tapping to bring in the good energy! 


Self Discipline is of Key Importance to PERSONAL MASTERY! 

The more self discipline you have, the more POWER you will have to get what you want! If you just do what you want and avoid your responsibilities for temporary satisfaction and go  off course you will not reach your long term goals!  Staying focused on your goals is NUMBER 1!  

Don’t procrastinate what you don’t want to do!  While you may feel better temporarily, it will just make you feel more guilty by putting things off! You will always feel better when you  push yourself out of your comfort level to do the things you really don’t want to do!  Plan a time for when you’re going to do the things you don’t want to and make sure you commit to doing them regularly! Don’t be too lazy! 


It is so easy to slip into patterns called Automatic Mode.  This is where your brain is used to doing a routine and we really are not making a conscious choice about it!  Checking email first thing in the morning  can become a bad routine and often hard to break.

We are bombarded with so much information with email and once you get into it, it becomes very easy to get lost in email and before you know it 30 – 60 minutes have gone by and you haven’t even looked at your daily schedule for the day!  Sound familiar? 

It really is best to avoid email until you have first said your affirmations for the day and gone over your schedule and priorities and have had at least 50 minutes for yourself in the morning.

Having too much freedom working at home is sometimes not a good thing! Make sure you keep on track of how much time you are spending on tasks so you can keep accountable for your time management and staying on top of what’s most important so you can reach your goals!


Learn to Delegate Your Tasks!

Don’t take on too much so you are constantly in a state of overwhelm!  The law of attraction works best when sometimes we are just doing nothing and feeling great,  so leaving time for relaxation is really important. Its like floating downstream rather than upstream! 

UPWORK.COM. Is a fabulous website worldwide for hiring extra online help so you can focus on your priorities! 


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